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Safeguarding Policy


Wise Owls believe the safety, welfare, and protection of every child is essential.  We believe children have the right to be completely safe, protected from both fear and harm; we are committed to protecting all the children in our care.

As an Ofsted regulated company, we comply with the local child safeguarding procedures, and it is our duty to record and report to children services any concerns regarding the possible abuse of children in our care.

Wise Owls safeguarding procedures comply with all relevant legislation and other guidance. In addition, we also are mindful of the guide: ‘Working together to safeguard children 2023’ and use it as a reference when considering inter-agency collaboration to safeguard and promote the welfare of every child.  Wise Owls recognises its duty of care to safeguard children as detailed under the Children Acts’ 1989 and 2004.

The policy and its procedures are shared openly with staff and parents/carers. The setting has a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) who is the Manager and Deputy Manager, they ensure that the most recent safeguarding legislation is in place and policies and procedures are followed along with handling any safeguarding concerns. Wise Owls is committed to reviewing its Safeguarding policy and procedures at regular intervals.


Staff Practice Requirements: 

  • Endeavour to ensure staff are never alone with a child/children; where this is unavoidable, another member of staff must be within earshot/sight.
  • Never shout or raise a hand to a child.
  • Never force a child to do something they do not want to do
  • Rooms must be laid out to enable staff to always observe children
  • Training is given to all staff, including trainees and students, to gain a general awareness of known indicators and pre-disposing factors of abuse and knowledge of policies and procedures.
  • Staff are encouraged and supported to trust their professional judgement and if they suspect abuse has, or is taking place, to report their suspicions to the DSL.
  • Ensure the privacy of children when intimate care is being provided e.g. administering first aid, toilet training etc.
  • Refreshment of staff’s safeguarding training takes place every 3 years.
  • To be alert to changes in a child’s behaviour which could indicate they may need help or protection.
  • To use their professional judgement in identifying children who might be at risk of radicalisation and react accordingly.
  • To keep track and document any unusual or out of character behaviour.
  • Report any concerns to the DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) who will complete a report of concern form and escalate to the appropriate authorities if necessary.


Tracking attendance

Wise Owls have procedures in place for tracking children’s and staff’s attendance and absences, which is recorded and overseen by the site and office management team. The management team are responsible for monitoring concerning absences. Registers are reviewed on a weekly basis. Any suspicious absences are recorded, and the appropriate action taken


Staff Support and Training

Wise Owls is committed to providing training and support for their staff with respect to Child Protection.  The following measures are implemented: Therefore:

  1. All staff, students and volunteers are carefully recruited, have verified references, and have full and current DBS certificates.
  2. All staff complete three safeguarding courses when they join Wise Owls.
  3. All staff receive training specifically relating to FGM and radicalisation of children.
  4. The Manager assesses the knowledge of the employees regarding safeguarding procedures and principles.
  5. All staff and volunteers are made aware of the Safeguarding Policy
  6. All staff and volunteers receive regular training and supervision in Child Protection issues and are provided with up to date, relevant information, and guidance.
  7. All staff are aware of the main indicators of child abuse.
  8. All staff are aware of their statutory requirements with respect to the disclosure of or discovery of child abuse and the legal procedure to follow.
  9. The Company will take appropriate action in relation to the findings of any investigation into allegations of abuse, consistent with its duties to protect the safety of children and uphold fair processes for staff, students, and volunteers.


Unvetted Adults

Staff will be supervised until a full enhanced clear DBS check is issued. Tradesmen on site will undertake a safeguarding check before accessing the building.  If on site in the vicinity of children, they will be escorted at all times.

No unvetted adult is given unsupervised access to the children. Any visitors to the setting are always accompanied by a member of staff and required to sign in, visitors are informed about our mobile phone policy and mobile phones are left in a designated space.


Staff Safe Care

  • Every effort is made to minimise the time when members of staff, are left alone with a child.  If staff are alone with a child, the door of the room must be kept open, and another member of staff should be informed.
  • If a child makes inappropriate physical contact with a member of staff, student or volunteer, this will be recorded fully on an incident form.
  • Staff should never carry out a personal task for children that they can do themselves.  Where this is essential, staff will help a child in the presence of a colleague.  Unless a child has a particular need, staff should not accompany children to the toilet as this and similar activities could be misconstrued.
  • Staff are mindful of how and where they touch children, given their age and stage of development.  Unnecessary or potentially inappropriate physical contact is always avoided. Any contact with the children to provide comfort/reassurance must be done to cater solely for the child/children’s needs.
  • If a child seeks a cuddle, to hold a staff member’s hand, or to sit on a staff members lap this is carried out appropriately in the presence of other members of staff.
  • If a child needs to be restrained due to their behaviour, staff use the necessary actions to ensure the child, the other children and the staff remain safe.
  • Staff are trained in appropriate and inappropriate physical contact with children.
  • We know how important staff ratios are and ensure that we follow the legal requirements for the minimum numbers of staff present with the children at any time as set our in the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework.



Wise Owls treats every allegation seriously and with sensitivity. The Company itself will not carry out any investigation into a suspected child abuse incident.  Any such allegation is forwarded to the local statutory child protection agencies by the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

The Director will also be notified immediately, by the DSL, of any abuse allegations.