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In our toddler room, we can accommodate 32 children between the age of 2 and 3 years old and we aim to achieve a staff:child ratio of 1:4, ensuring that planned activities stimulate your child’s imagination and love of learning throughout the day. Our toddlers will enjoy many exciting and creative activities with free play sessions, group time, art and craft, sensory play and physical exercise. Group time activities help our toddlers to develop important life skills including patience, cooperation, sharing and communication. With beautiful farmland on our doorstep, children also get to explore their natural surroundings and visit their friendly equine neighbours from time to time – the horses in the neighbouring paddock.

Child Development

Our early years practitioners ensure that every child meets their personal developmental goals and attains the highest standard of learning, following the EYFS seven areas of learning and the Wise Owls Curriculum. Each child is assigned a key person who gains a deep understanding of their interests, abilities, and progress. Parents are invited to participate in parent consultations throughout the year to learn about their child’s development. We prioritise fostering an open and collaborative relationship with parents to cater to each child’s needs effectively. All learning and developmental milestones are documented on our digital app.

Learning through Play

At Wise Owls Childcare, we believe that children learn best when they’re having fun, with engaging and stimulating activities offered in a safe, caring and encouraging environment. Our toddlers in Little Owls have so many wonderful age appropriate resources inside and out, including a large, dedicated outdoor play space perfect for curious explorers, messy play areas, cosy corners and much more.

Meals & Nutrition

We believe good nutrition is essential to the healthy growth and development of children. We encourage, and at times, inspire children to try a variety of food they may not have tried before. Meal times are a social affair as children sit together to socialise. Children are encouraged to grow their independence at meal times, however staff are always nearby to lend a hand and encourage good manners and adventurous appetites.

Sleep & Rest Times

Sleep is fundamental to growth so here in the baby room we have a dedicated sleep room that is monitored at all times with routine sleep checks. Depending on their age and stage of development, each child has either a cot with their own sheets and blankets or a sleep mat with sheets and blankets, both creating a familiar and cosy place for them to rest after a busy morning or afternoon of play.

Potty Training

Our toddlers have access to a bathroom with a selection of potties for those who are toilet training. Our team will work closely with parents to achieve this stage of child development and lots of encouragement is given in a safe and nurturing space.

A typical day in toddlers


Breakfast is served between 7:30am and 8:15am for the children offering a variety of different cereals. Children are encouraged to wash their hands when they first come in and serve themselves; encouraging independence.

Morning routine

Following on from breakfast the children have time for some free play; independently choosing their activities from what is available to them. We set up a range of activities including sensory activities using material such as play dough, cornflour, shaving foam etc. We have themed tuff trays, painting, reading and role play available. We also have mark making tools out at all times for the children to develop their fine motor skills. During this time, we will read stories and sing big actions songs as directed by the childrens’ interests. We routinely change nappies at 9.30am but nappies get checked regularly through the day and changed as and when needed. We provide all nappies and make our own wipes.

Snack time

At 9.50am we get ready for snack by encouraging hand washing and we will then sit in small groups and sing & read stories until snack time at 10am. Snack consists of fruit, breadsticks, rice cakes, crackers or fruit loaf with a cup of milk or water.

At 10:30am the door to the garden is opened and our toddlers have the opportunity to free flow between the indoor and outdoor activities provided.

Lunch time

11:30am is lunch time, and at this time children are asked to wash their hands and then sit at the table independently, they are then supported with self-serving their own meals where possible.

Afternoon routine

Following lunch the children have a sleep, if they need one, on a sleep mat. If the children do not sleep then a variety of quiet activities are provided for them to interact with while their friends sleep.

After sleep, free flow play is encouraged again, with  a variety of new activities set up inside and outside. 

Tea Time

At 3:30 it is tea time, there is a short group time before tea where children are encouraged to sing songs, read stories and wait patiently to be able to wash their hands before sitting at the table. Following tea, the children have more opportunity to learn through play, accessing the toys that are readily available to them at their level. Staff interact with the children and support their development.

Some of the children within toddlers wear nappies; these are changed regularly throughout the day. Potty training provides a lot of excitement. Children are often asked if they need the toilet and are supported with this appropriately.