Morning Welcome and Breakfast
On arrival, children are served breakfast (a variety of cereal) until approximately 8:15am.
Morning Exploration
Following on from breakfast the children have time for some free play; independently choosing their activities from what is available to them. We set up a range of activities including sensory activities using material such as play dough, cornflour, shaving foam etc. We have themed tuff trays, painting, reading and role play available. We also have mark making tools out at all times for the children to develop their fine motor skills. During this time, we will read stories and sing big actions songs as directed by the children’s’ interests.
We routinely change nappies at 9.30am but nappies also get checked regularly through the day and changed as and when needed. We provide all nappies and make our own wipes.
A rolling snack is offered between 9:30 and 10:00am. After snack we will spend time outdoors, either playing in the baby garden at Foxley, the nature reserve at Maidenhead or going on a walk around the farm at Farm View.
Lunch Time
Lunch time is at 11:30 where the children are offered a hot meal that can be adapted for any allergies, intolerances or personal preferences.
Sleep time
All children sleep after lunch, either in the cot room for younger children or on sleep mats in the bigger rooms for children who are older.
Afternoon Learning and Play
After sleep time, children have further opportunities to explore a variety of activities provided by the staff as well as exploring the toys provided on the children’s level around the room.
Tea Time
Tea is served at 3:30 and consists of meals (such as sandwiches or soup) as well as a variety of fruit or yoghurt for pudding.
Further Learning and Development
After tea the children will learn through play, following their interests both indoors and outdoors, The staff set up a variety of activities to ensure children are accessing all areas of the EYFS curriculum. Staff will frequently interact with all children to enhance their learning by supporting and extending their understanding and knowledge, as well as their language and communication skills.